Invest in Her: Women Creating Impact Through Entrepreneurship.

Had an incredible time serving as a moderator for Harvard GlobalWE’s Annual Student/Alumni Roundtable discussion, Invest in Her: Women Creating Impact Through Entrepreneurship. As a young entrepreneur, it was so inspiring to listen to these incredible women’s stories about their start-ups. What a great way to start my morning!

Hannah FrazerComment
Harvard Class of 2026 Welcome Zoom

Had a great time working with Question Connection to introduce the Chicago Area Harvard Class of 2026! So excited to see all of your faces on campus next Fall. And of course a huge thank you to Julie Palmer for the opportunity to share Question Connection again!

Hannah FrazerComment
Apply to the Diller Tikkun Olam Awards

Are you a Jewish teen leader? Apply today for the #DillerTikkunOlamAwards which honor up to 15 Jewish teens with $36,000 each for their outstanding leadership and efforts to repair the world. As a past Awardee, I know firsthand what a unique opportunity this is. Deadline is Jan. 7:

Hannah FrazerComment
Teens are Lonelier than a Decade Ago

Check out this interesting article by the Washington Post about how teenagers around the world are lonelier than they were about a decade ago. The article details that loneliness among teens, especially girls, has sky rocketed between the years 2012 and 2018. One scientist blames the rise in technology usage among young people, citing smartphones as a major cause of anxiety and depression amongst school aged children. Importantly, school loneliness was found not to be correlated with income inequality, gdp or family size, but rather with an increase in internet and smartphone usage. Let’s hope that this New Year, along with the ongoing pandemic, will serve as a reminder of the importance in reaching out to loved ones and peers. Find the time to check in with friends, and make the space to connect with one another.

Learn more by copying and pasting the link below!

Question Connection at Northwestern !

Just got news that a couple of decks purchased from the Question Connection website are being used for student teacher training in classrooms at Northwestern. So excited to be a part of an exciting new step to bring in the next generation of world-renowned educators!

Hannah FrazerComment
Shuffled Ink Blog

Check out this amazing feature on Shuffled Ink’s blog! What an amazing experience working with you guys — I am so excited about the new Question Connection product!

Hannah FrazerComment
Question Connection X Diller Tikkun Olam Awards

I am so thrilled to announce that I was selected as an awardee for the Diller Teen Tikkun Olam Award! In celebration of Tikkun Olam, the Diller Award gives 15 Jewish leaders (13-19 years old) $36,000 to further their education or project. This incredible organization has already opened up so many doors for Question Connection! We are so excited to partner with 14 other inspirational awardees who are equally passionate about the ways they are repairing the world. As a Jewish teenager, winning the Tikkun Olam award reinforces many important values such as education and giving back to my own community. I am so excited for the Awards Ceremony taking place on August 16th!

Another shoutout to Springboard at JUF for publishing this awesome news on their blog! To learn more about the Diller Tikkun Olam Awards and Awardees, visit these links:

Hannah FrazerComment
Hello From Zaouiat Ahansal !

Hello from Morocco! Although my time here is sadly coming to an end, I had the best time showing my travel mates Question Connection and using it as an ice breaker activity for the entire group! It was great to reconnect with peers face to face and explore the cities and villages of Morocco together.

Even more exciting was the chance to share Question Connection with school-aged children in Zaouiat Ahansal—a village located within the High Atlas Mountains. While living there for two weeks, we were able to share about some of our favorite meals, what theoretical super powers we want, our dream jobs, etc. What an amazing time!

I am so thrilled to get working with the Boys and Girls Club of North Chicago on May 27th. More updates to come!

Hannah FrazerComment
Time Magazine Article

Such a powerful read, and a stark reminder of the importance of equitable and accessible education! Do not forget to check in with students. Online learning is hard. School is hard. Be that extra support to help carry young people through the summer. Students: YOU ROCK!!! YOU CAN DO THIS.

Hannah FrazerComment
Question Connection X West Deerfield Township Community Center

So excited to announce our partnership with the West Deerfield Township Community Center to bring Question Connection and Pregunta de Conexión to families all throughout Deerfield. I am hoping we can spread this news throughout the community to guarantee people access to social emotional wellness tools during this difficult time!

Hannah FrazerComment
Pregunta de Conexión @ Costa Rica

Very excited to announce that Pregunta de Conexión will be used in classrooms to connect students from all over the world, practice communication skills, and build relationships. The game will serve as an excellent tool to progress conversations and foster community! I am hoping to expand to multiple language programs and local schools during my time in Costa Rica living with a home stay family. I will be sure to keep you updated!

Hannah FrazerComment
Exciting Update...

Question Connection is so excited to announce our partnership with Camp Danbee!

After tonight’s Zoom, we are elated to hear that the Danbee campers enjoyed their experience using QC.

“They loved it! It was a great zoom…it was a big hit.”

Hannah FrazerComment
Exciting News...

Question Connection will be played during the upcoming Glen and LWC younger division virtual get together’s on January 20th, 21st, 26th and 28th!

“We played this with the Grove younger division guys back in December and they LOVED it!!!!!!”

- Tom Daniel

Assistant Director of Greenwoods and Lake of the Woods Camps


Hannah FrazerComment
Articles on Online Schooling and the Holidays

Catching up on some reading...

slide 1: the effect of coronavirus on young children’s mental health and academic progress. Includes helpful tips to address behavioral regression such as schedule keeping and stress monitoring.

slide 2: steps to enhance interpersonal connection during a global pandemic. #1 make efforts to maintain your family’s sense of normal. be open to creating new routines and an adapted sense of normalcy...

slide 3: Includes creative projects for children of all ages to stay busy at home

slide 4: helpful tips about staying safe during the Holiday season and maintaining a sense of normalcy for children. #1 assess the current covid19 numbers in your community...


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